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2002年都彭限量版打火机自然灵感INSPIRATION NATURE
2022-03-21 15:40:46 来源:哔哩哔哩 编辑:

自生命开始以来,大自然的创造力就无与伦比。通过分解和重组原子并不断更新自身,它创造了具有独特形式和色彩的新材料,为自然界增添了奇观。都彭希望通过“灵感自然”向当代致敬,这是当代几何作品的集合。动物、植物和矿物世界以珍珠母的珍贵镶嵌物为代表,该系列中的镶嵌物来自印度尼西亚 。赤铁矿是一种矿物,其发现改变了历史进程。事实上,赤铁矿是铁的主要来源。在珠宝中使用时,赤铁矿展现出其金属光泽和明亮的深色。乌木,一种昂贵的极黑硬木,来自非洲的热带西非或亚洲的季风。该限量版的镶嵌乌木从马卡萨港口出口。Nature has been unequalled in its creative power ever since life began.By breaking up and reorganising atoms and constantly renewing itself,it creates new materials with unique forms and colours that add to the marvels of the natural world.S.T.Dupont wishes to pay tribute to Nature via"Inspiration Nature",a collection of contemporary,geometric pieces.The animal,vegetable and mineral worlds are represented by precious inlays of mother-of-pearl used for the inlays in this series comes from Indonesia.Hematite is a mineral whose discovery changed the course of history.It is in fact the chief source of iron.When used in jewellery,hematite reveals its metallic glow and brilliant dark colour.Ebony,a costly extremely dark hard wood,comes from tropical West a Africa or Monsoon Asia.The inlaid ebony in this limited edition is exported from the port of Macassar.

关键词: 印度尼西亚 无与伦比

