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2003年都彭限量版打火机勒罗伊·内曼Leroy Neiman
2022-03-29 11:44:03 来源:哔哩哔哩 编辑:

勒罗伊·内曼(Leroy Neiman)被描述为美国最受欢迎的在世画家。他的作品反映了劳特雷克,杜菲和纽约社会现实主义者的不同影响。他最有可能是体育的写照者,但他的创作对象包括巴黎咖啡馆,非洲徒步旅行队,著名的酒吧,城市街景,歌剧或政治人物。内曼的作品曾在芝加哥艺术学院,惠特尼博物馆,明尼阿波利斯艺术博物馆和圣彼得萨堡冬宫展出。

限量版系列以勒沃·内曼(Leroy Neiman)特别为Brand制作的高尔夫球手挥舞球杆的轮廓为基础,都彭向一位伟大的艺术家致敬。三种不同的绿色真实中国漆象征:三通,球道和高尔夫球场的果岭。此限量版仅在美国销售。

Leroy Neiman has been described as the most  popular living painter in America.His work reflects the varied influences of Lautrec,Dufy and the New York Social Realists.Probably best known as a portrayer of  sporting,but his subjects have included Parisian cafes,African  safaris,famous bars,urban street scenes,the opera or political figures.Neiman's work is represented in the Art Institute of Chicago,the Whitney Museum,the Minneapolis Museum of Art and the Hermitage fo St. Petersaburg.

With this Limited series based on a drawing of the silhouette of a golfer swinging his club,specially made for the Brand by Leroy Neiman,S.T.Dupont pays tribute to a great artist.The three different shades of green real Chinese lacquer symbolise:the tee,the fairway and the putting green of a golf course.

关键词: 徒步旅行 高尔夫球场 城市街景 高尔夫球

