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2022-03-31 14:53:16 来源:哔哩哔哩 编辑:

拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoleon Bonaparte)于1804年12月2日被加冕为法国皇帝,这个名字在历史上一直占有特殊地位。 在法国的经济,行政和法制方面,他的改革仍然给他留下了深刻的印象。拿破仑还在巴黎发起了宏伟的城市项目,同时帝国主义风格鼓励了文化和艺术发展。为庆祝拿破仑加冕两百周年,都彭创建了一个 独特而精美的特殊作品集,上面刻有皇帝的头像和帝王之鹰,是他选择的纹章标志。

The name of Napoleon Bonaparte,who was crowned Emperor of the French on 2 December 1804,will always hold a special place in history.His successul campaigns and victories built his reputation as a military genius and his vision of the state lives on to this day in the French economy,administration and legal system,which are still heavily inflenced by his reforms.Napoleon also initiated magnificent urban projects in Paris while the Empire style encouraged cultural and artistic developments.To celebrate the bicentenary of Napoleon's coronation,S.T.Dupont has created a unique and beautiful collection of exceptional pieces engraved with the Emperor's  head in profile and the imperial eagle,his chosen heraldic emblem.

关键词: 拿破仑波拿巴

