又到了一年一度的评选节目了,这次是洗面奶,评选的是温和好用的洗面奶排行榜,数据来自亚洲知名的时尚杂志,根据清洁度,温和度,效果指数和成分等多方面,来分析和实际使用效果做出的,真正好用的洗面奶排行榜,绝对值得一用。1 CPB facial cleanserThis is a high-end brand from Japan, the price is quite expensive. There is not much foam, which is easy to squeeze out. The foam is also very delicate and rich. The upper face is mild and not irritating. It has a very good cleaning effect on the excess oil and dirt of the skin, and the moisturizing effect of the skin after washing is very good.
1 肌肤之钥CPB洗面奶这款是来自日本的高端品牌,价格比较贵。泡沫并不多,容易挤出,打出的泡沫也是很细腻丰富的,上脸温和不刺激,对于肌肤多余的油脂和脏东西有很不错的清洁效果,洗后肌肤保湿效果还是很不错的。2 Xuanzhi Snail Original CleanserThis facial cleanser comes from the natural snail stock solution of the old Yellow River in Henan Province, which is the main origin of natural snail stock solution in the world. Many famous skin care products, such as South Korea and the United States, use Henan raw materials. The original snail liquid has an excellent effect on repairing the damaged skin and firming the skin, which is called the golden skin care liquid. After use, the skin is very tender and smooth, and the pores and blackheads are obviously improved. It is a classic Chinese product that is very easy to use.
2 宣致蜗牛原液洁面乳这款洗面奶来自河南黄河故道的天然蜗牛原液,黄河故道是全球主要的天然蜗牛原液原产地,有许多大牌护肤品像是韩国,美国等大牌都是用河南的原料。蜗牛原液对于修复受损肌肤肌肤,紧致肌肤有着极好的效果,被人称之为黄金护肤液。用完以后肌肤很嫩滑,毛孔和黑头改善明显,非常好用的经典国货。3 Soybean Cleansing GelThis soybean flavor can be really smelled. The main component of soybean protein is rich in amino acids, which can promote the synthesis of collagen in the skin base and enhance the self-renewal ability of cells. With rose water and cucumber extract essence, it can calm and soothe the skin, and can also be used safely in case of sensitivity.
3 馥蕾诗大豆洁面啫喱这款大豆味道确实可以闻到,主要成分大豆蛋白含有丰富的氨基酸成分,促进肌肤基底胶原蛋白合成,提升细胞自我更新能力。配合玫瑰花水和青瓜萃取精华,镇静、舒缓肌肤, 敏感也可安心使用。4 Snowflake Show Shunxing Facial CleanserThe texture of this liquid facial cleanser is a little like hand sanitizer. It has no color. The Chinese medicine tastes good and does not smell pungent. It is rich in foam and does not need a foaming net. The upper face is gentle and not irritating, and the sensitive muscle can be used completely.
4 雪花秀顺行洗面奶这款液体洗面奶质地有点儿像洗手液,没有颜色,中药味道很好闻不刺鼻。用起来泡沫比较丰富,不需要起泡网。上脸温和不刺激,敏感肌完全可以用。5 Kerun facial cleanserIt is a mild cleanser that can clean pores at the same time. The pressed foam is delicate, because it can make a mild foam without foaming net. The foam is very dense, and it can be gently rotated on the face, so the sense of use is medium to high.
5 珂润洗面奶是一款比较温和,同时也可以清洁毛孔的洗面奶,压出来的泡沫细腻,因为不用起泡网就能打出温和洁面的泡沫,泡沫很绵密,在脸上轻轻打转,所以使用感中等偏上。这5款洗面奶,都是经过大家真实使用以后得到认可的洗面奶,效果好温和度高,经过大家考验的产品才是真正的好产品,值得用的产品,可以有效的解决脸上的痘痘,大毛孔黑头等问题,肌肤不好的朋友一定要试试。
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