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头条:深藏BLUE之《TAIC》,南京 / 南京拿云室内设计有限公司——瑞模网——www.rrmod.com
2023-02-01 11:44:14 来源:哔哩哔哩


《TAIC》Situated in Jinling Old City of East, specializing in traditional craftsman goblets, is also a boutique furniture retailer. Located amongst a maze of transitional alleyways; the design concept places emphasis on avoiding blatant cultural appropriation and forced design integration. The presentation of the space relies heavily on achieving integration of various elements complementing each other.

▼店铺外观,exterior view © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司


▼由巷口看店铺,viewing the boutique shop from the old alley © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司

▼店铺入口,entrance of the shop © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司

▼金属、玻璃与老建筑砖石的对比,Contrast of metal, glass and masonry of old buildings © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司


Inside, at center of the space lies a stunning display for presenting TAIC’s various product pieces. The use of interesting details such as water droplets, water waves, ripples and other fluid elements purposed in the shape of the it’s associated product.

▼入口品牌简介空间,brand introduction area at the entrance 南京拿云室内设计有限公司

▼水波纹式的曲面玻璃,Water corrugated curved glass © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司


it’s colour softens the indigo blue colour palette of the space at large. The cool metallic nature of the influences the flamboyant designs on the goblets, resulting in an interesting harmony where abstract materials clash unapologetically with traditional craftsmanship, a natural dynamic. Low hanging lighting fixtures focused lighting the display pieces behind a greyish backdrop.

▼店铺室内空间总体概览,overall view of the interior © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司

▼钛杯展示区与休息区,main display area and leisure area © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司

▼其余产品展示区,other product display area © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司

▼错落的吊灯与流线形的展台,Scattered hanging lighting fixtures and streamlined display counter © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司


The Tea Room is a multipurpose space reserved for training programs and social events. The patio garden is a place where visitors can take a break, equipped with spotless white walls, subtle wooden furniture pieces arranged to make the space appealing to the senses of anyone.

▼主展台细部,details of the display counter © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司

▼克莱因蓝钛钢展台细部,Klein Blue titanium steel booth details © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司

▼平面图,plan © 南京拿云室内设计有限公司

项目名称:深藏BLUE 之《TAIC》设计方:南京拿云室内设计有限公司公司微信公众号:nayunsheji联系邮箱:30819759@qq.com项目设计 & 完成年份:2021.09主创及设计团队:陈诣杰/邢天炜项目地址:江苏省南京市秦淮区老门东景区中营27号建筑面积:180㎡


