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世界动态:瑞模网-设计资讯—BONELESS 概念店丨蘑菇云设计—www.rrmod.com
2023-02-20 10:50:56 来源:哔哩哔哩



BONELESS:They are young, their destination is of little concern to them.

BONELESS品牌简称BLS,由独立设计师团队联合在2018年创立于广州,是一个立足于街头文化的潮牌。“BONELESS”直译为“无骨的; 去骨的;”,也可以解释为滑板运动的入门动作BONELESS,即手抓板的意思。这种动态的自由意志,以一种更为抽象的态度散布在每季发布主题中, 时间和地域被消解,山海飞地和街头成为随时可抹去的背景,未来如何变化并不刻意表达。

BONELESS, also known as BLS, was established in 2018 in Guangzhou by a group of independent designers, with a focus on the street culture.  Apart from the literal meaning, BONELESS also refers to a skateboard trick where you grab the middle of the board with your hand, plant one foot on the ground to pop the board up, and then land back on the ground with both feet on the board. This trick, representing the attitude of free will, is interspersed in the brand value and its design.

BONELESS概念店选址于TX淮海年轻力中心四楼,是首次走出广州进驻上海的线下空间试水之作。作为国内首个将创新体验零售与沉浸艺术融合的智能商业空间, TX淮海始终着眼于年轻力本元,力图打造传递多元文化的策展型零售空间与中国年轻生态街区,也为BONELESS概念店提供了更高维度的施展空间。

The BONELESS concept store is located on the fourth floor of TX Huaihai Youth Energy Centre in Shanghai. It is the first time for the brand to reach outside its birthplace Guangzhou. As the first shopping mall in China that integrates immersive visual artworks in retail spaces, TX Huaihai has always had its eyes on the younger crowds, striving to create a curated retail space that conveys multiculturalism as a community for the young consumers in China, which sets a perfect platform for the BONELESS conceptual store to shine.


DUNE: The story takes place in the distant future


The inspiration behind the BONELESS concept store comes from the must-read classic science fiction work -  The Dunes. In 1967, Frank Herbert completed The Dune. He crafted a Dune universe that is as fascinating as George Lucas’ Star Wars, with intricate storyline and consideration on ecology, religion, politics, and philosophy. This is a significant accomplishment in the history of science fiction. The tale unfolds in the distant future when humans have advanced to the extent that even computers are no longer needed. Interstellar journeys are achieved instantaneously through telepathy and human presence is widespread across the galaxies. The universe is immense and intricate, while humanity is small but mighty.


Over half a century since its creation, Dune has become a global cultural phenomenon - it spawned the creation of the first real-time strategy game; it have been made into movies and TV series countless times,  and its narrative has been widely referenced in films such as "Star Wars" and "Avatar". Denis Villeneuve's interpretation of "Dune" hit the cinemas in 2021, showcasing a distinctive "sci-fi retro" visual style and constructing a world that sets itself apart from other science fiction films.

BONELESS概念店的气氛设定,是从《沙丘》的世界观展开的 ----“故事发生在遥远的未来。”时间是混沌和虚无的,沙漠、砺石、洞穴、未来感的金属、复古的柱廊 ---- 一系列的片段和素材被抛出,在L型的空间中构建了一段舞美化的《沙丘》场景。BONELESS的“无骨”基因和SKU陈列消解其中,“仿佛真的去了银河系的另一边”。

The mood setting of the BONELESS concept store is based on the atmosphere in "Dune". The story takes place in the distant future, a time of chaotic and meaningless. Elements such as desert, whetstone, caves, metal, and retro colonnades were incorporated in the design. A staged "Dune" scene was constructed in the L-shaped store space out of the elements, with the pieces from BONELESS incorporated in between, transcends the shopping experience to another galaxy.


Scenery: Wrinkles in time, built.


The more realistic the details and textures, the more powerful the emotional transmission.


Day & Night: Recurring cycles of light and darkness


The temperature varies drastically in the desert. This creates a distinct scene that is not present in urban environments. The lighting design in the store reflects the alternating scenes between day and night - during the day, sunlight floods in through windows, while at night, dynamic visions arise from the darkness, evoking a completely different ambiance.





